Thoughtful Thursday – November 3, 2016


Thoughtful Thursday


Hey friends,


Every Thursday I post the latest and greatest content related to travel and self-improvement that I've found throughout the week.


It could include articles, videos, podcasts, books, photographs, or any other sort of thought-inducing content I may come across.


No matter the medium, you can expect to find excellence—and a renewed drive to achieve all that you can in life—right here.






Week of November 3, 2016


-Sticking to your habits while traveling can be difficult. Thankfully, there’s a few things you can do before hitting the road that will keep you on track. Zdravko Cvijetic has more here.

-Shopping in local markets can be one of the most enjoyable parts of travel. But how do you ensure you’re getting a deal and not being ripped off? Shivani Vora of the New York Times has some advice here.

Personal Improvement

-A terrific article by Benjamin P. Hardy on what happens when you take full responsibility of your life. Hint: good things!

-Don’t allow the world to tell you what matters. That call is yours. Here are 3 simple steps to becoming a happier person.

-These three life-changing habits are small enough to incorporate into each day, yet big enough to create a lasting impact on the way you lead your life.

Professional Development

-5 amazing ways productive people manage their time, courtesy of Larry Kim, founder of WordSteam.

-Looking to get out of a rut at work? Small changes to your morning routine can have a significant impact on your output for the whole of the day. Here’s a simple adjustment you can try to make things better.


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