Thoughtful Thursday
Hey friends,
Every Thursday I post the latest and greatest content related to travel and self-improvement that I've found throughout the week.
It could include articles, videos, podcasts, books, photographs, or any other sort of thought-inducing content I may come across.
No matter the medium, you can expect to find excellence—and a renewed drive to achieve all that you can in life—right here.
Week of March 23, 2017
-Max Lukominskyi Explores The 12 Most Important Things to Do When You Are Young.
-Is Smart Tech the Future of Travel?
-22 Real and Bizarre Request Made to Travel Agents, by Caitlin Martin.
-Food Allergies: Tips for Travelers, by Adrian Quine.
Personal Improvement
-5 Ways to Maximize Your Brain’s Creative Potential, by Srinivas Rao.
-How to Build a Bulletproof Mind in 5 Minutes a Day, by Benjamin Foley.
-The 1000 Day MFA, by Shaunta Grimes.
Professional Development
-6 Ways to Use Corporate Travel to Build Your Own Successful Empire, by Jessica Zweig Fisher.
-7 Warning Signs That You Will Never Achieve Your Dreams, by Cephas Tope.